St. John's is a family of Christian believers. While we acknowledge that we are not the "perfect" Church because we are all sinners, we also acknowledge that we are "forgiven" sinners because of the grace of God, the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the work of the Holy Spirit within us.
Our Mission statement is "To Love Jesus and Make Him Known". We are a "Jesus centered" church family. We are also a family that takes seriously the truth claims of God's Word, the Bible. We invite the Holy Spirit to make Jesus real to us in a relationship of love and trust, and to work inside of us with His transforming power to make us devoted followers of Jesus. Check out our "Vision Statement" to see what we believe the Holy Spirit is doing among us!
On the side of our church building is a sign that reads "WELCOME IN JESUS' NAME" that is our warm invitation to you as you consider a church family or need to experience spiritual life. We are not a "pushy" church, but are always eager to say "welcome" and mean it.
St. John's is a member of a conservative Christian denomination called "The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod." The "LC-MS" has a strong commitment to the Word of God and to mission outreach at home and around the world.